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MMC Catering

Known for brands such as Le Nôtre Paris, Meem Cafe, Nagwa Boutique and Café, Three and Barista, Crimson Garden, Sawah Arabesque and Italo’s Café, MMC Catering aspires to become one of the leading companies in the F&B industry.  

MMC Catering covers the entire Gulf Cooperation Council region for their catering and banquet services. 

Business case 

When it started, MMC Catering managed its business using Micros Symphony. As the company launched more franchises and expanded to a central kitchen and a restaurant complex, the limits of the system – which was only a POS – became evident. The system could not be integrated to back office, front office, or inventory. It could not provide the staff with the information they needed for critical decision-making. The limits of the system also led to inefficiencies and unreliability.  


The group evaluated several software solutions, starting with those that were most common in their industry and in the region. However, none of them met their key requirements, which were: 

  • Better control of inventory 
  • Seamless integration to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP and back office 
  • Flexibility  

Tech firm Trident Information Systems, who has years of experience of the retail industry and LS Retail software solutions, advised MMC Catering on how their businesses could work more efficiently. After they demoed LS Central, LS Retail’s unified restaurant software, MMC selected the software solution as it met all their decision criteria. 

Trident’s service and skill set meant they competently answered any question MMC Catering had during the implementation. “We would like to thank Trident Information Systems for their wonderful work in implementing LS Central, for their support in achieving our goals, and for giving us an edge over our competition through getting the information at our fingertips” says Mr. Ibrahim, CEO at MMC Catering. 


LS Central has greatly increased the organization's performance and improved data quality, and data analysis. MMC Catering can quickly respond to customer needs. Some of the key benefits include:   

  • Increased efficiency in operations. Service is quicker, and transaction time has significantly improved. of the company has eliminated many manual processes, duplicate tasks and errors. 
  • Streamlined ordering and direct communication with the KDS. All communication between kitchen and front (order, items, preparation status) now goes through the POS. 
  • Better inventory management with the planning and replenishment functionality.  
  • Reduced food waste. Monitoring of the consumptions has led to less spoilage.  
  • Effective recipe management from back office to front of house across the operation. 

MMC Catering plans to implement more innovative technology to stay ahead. With the focus on customer retention, the company is formalizing their loyalty program. MMC Catering believes that omni-channel is the future of retail. “Due to the limitation on dine-in due to Covid-19, the industry is moving away to pick-up and delivery,” says Ibrahim.  

They have several services earmarked for future rollout, including AI and integrated eCommerce.  With the support of LS Central and partner Trident Information System, the company will continue to maintain its unique identity and remain a top choice for customers. 

MMC Catering

When we started the process of implementing the system, our agenda was to control our inventory processes, sales transaction, consumption control and wastages. We also wanted to improve our customer service and customer loyalty. With the implementation of LS Central, we were able to achieve all these goals. 

Mr. Ibrahim, CEO

LS Retail implementation partner

Trident Information Systems

Trident Information Systems is one of the leading global providers of Information Technology services and business solutions with a proven track record of over 15 years.

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